I'm going to try and get better about posting pictures. I keep forgetting my camera. Also, sorry it's been a while since my last post--we've been down and out with winter colds, so the energy level has been a little low here.
For the time being, here's a photo from last weekend--L. eating lunch in his bowling shirt.
On Saturday we went to the Pennsylvania Farm show in Harrisburg, which was about 1 1/2hrs from our house each way. We had a pretty good time. As usual, we blew through it at Liam speed, which is twice light speed in case you weren't sure. SO many cows (one of which pooped and then stepped in it right in front of us--a real highlight for L.), sheep, many rabbit breeds, chickens, chicks, ducklings, horses, pigs, and TRACTORS. Had I been on my own I would have also gone to the vocational/homemaking area to see the 4-H crafts, and I would have spent longer with the chickens and rabbits. As it was, however, the smell of animal shit made Scott nauseous and Liam was enchanted by the tractors, so we spent most of our time in the exposition hall and food court, eating ice cream with sprinkles. It was interesting to see the Amish farms on the way to Harrisburg and back though. The first thing I noticed was all the laundry hanging outside to dry. Then I remembered we were in Amish country, near Lancaster, and it all made sense. Lots of horses and buggies and woodworking items for sale in the small towns along the way. All in all it was a good day. I could feel a cold coming on--probably the same virus Scott and Liam have had since New Year's Eve. Finally it's my turn. (!)
Today I remembered at the last minute that Liam's preschool was closed for a teacher inservice, so I had to take the day off from work. I was feeling fairly under the weather early in the day, so I let Liam watch a little tv while I dozed on and off next to him (with one eye open of course). Then we went out and got him some new shoes--size 10 1/2 now--and stopped at the bakery supply store. Yesterday I promised Liam he could pick out a few of those little plastic cake toppers for his birthday cake, and of course he wanted to do it right away. He selected the following items: a male bowler poised mid-throw with some bowling pins, an additional set of ten bowling pins and one ball, four fish (koi), a truck, and a stop light. Many of these items were 19 cents each, so it didn't set us back much to say the least. It should be quite a cake... I'll try to take a picture tomorrow so you can see the assortment. After that we had lunch with Dad at his work, then we were off to the mall to throw pennies in the fountains and run errands. He was so sleepy by two o'clock that he conked out while I was carrying him at the check out. I went over to a bench in the mall and held him for about 1/2 hour while he slept. It was so nice--his little cheek was all smooshed up against my shoulder and I could feel him breathing lightly. I don't get to just hold him much now that he's not a baby anymore. It also felt good just to sit there and not be in a rush to get somewhere else.
I think that's enough for tonight. This cold is really starting to creep up on me, so I want to get to bed early and get lots of rest.
Oh, and Liam informed me today that Earl Grey (our cat) wants us to have a dog at our house instead of him because a dog is better at pulling Liam around the park and through the sky on his sleigh than a cat is. Thank goodness we keep the doors LOCKED at all times--I don't trust this kid for a minute! I can just see him trying to climb up onto the roof if I look away for a second.
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