I forgot to mention that when Scott and Liam went to that jungle gym place last weekend, Scott and Matt (Scott's friend) both "won" pillows for their sons--from one of those games where you press buttons to position the metal "claw" over whatever stuffed item you want, and then the claw drops and, if you're lucky, which you never are, it picks the item up and you win it. There was an entire Spongebob Squarepants episode about it, for those of you in the know.
SO, Matt won a little 8"x8" pillow for his son, and the pillow said something like "Here Comes Trouble." Appropriate, more or less. Scott also won a pillow for Liam, except Liam's says "Hot & Spicy." Inappropriate, but L can't read yet so we're just letting it go. He loves the pillow and used it instead of a regular pillow for a few nights. Now it has been relegated to his stuffed animals' shoebox "crib," as shown here. Frankly, I'm just impressed that anyone won anything. The only person I've EVER seen win something out of those machines is my aunt Joan, and she won every time.
Other than that, there's not much news. It's still February here. It snowed, rained, and sleeted today, which was interesting for a little while. Scott and I plan to watch the primary election returns this evening, go to bed later than we mean to, and then wake up exhausted tomorrow morning. It's such a good plan that we follow it every evening.
Scott was just having a "fight up" with L to tire him out in hopes that he (L) will fall asleep at a decent time tonight (see photo at left). Scott is very good at this and it comes in handy this time of year, when the evenings are cold and dark and we can't go to a park with neighborhood dog owners to give the boy a nice "run." Liam loves running with the dogs almost more than his Hot & Spicy pillow--he laughs and laughs, and so does everyone else.
Fyi: Liam and I are going to plant tomato and pepper seeds tomorrow because we're confident that spring will come in 6-10 weeks, just like the seed packages say it will.
Sounds like Scott and Liam's game of Cootie is over, so I'm on pajama duty now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE DONNY! Your card is in the mail--for real. And for the record, I picked it out, which you'll never believe because it's Scott-humor. You'll know what I mean when you see it. There are butts.
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