Not much to report really. It's been rainy and chilly all week. Not as cold

as winter, obviously, but it's the kind of damp cold that gets into your bones and leaves you with a chill for the whole day. Our flowers are coming up though. Today some tulips opened in the front "yard"--red and yellow--and we have pink and purple hyacinths nearby. Our back yard has daffodils by the gate and garden box. Purple, white, and yellow crocuses came up next to our "river," and tulips and hyacinths are still coming in other places. I planted all these bulbs in the fall and forgot what I put where, so it's

been fun to watch them come up. Mom--here's a picture of the winter onions you and Liam planted last fall--they're doing great! Scott and I continue to work hard, both at our jobs and at home. Liam continues be "fast," as he likes to point out daily. I'll write more later when there's news. In the mean time, here's one of my favorite poems mentioning spring. You probably already know it, but I'm posting it anyway because I like it. It may seem depressing at first, and I suppose it sort of is. But precious things wouldn't be so precious if you could have them at will, would they? So in a way it's a gift...
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.--
Robert Frost
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