Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today I went to the computer store, the pet store, the grocery store, and the drug store. By the time I got to the grocery store I was regretting the cup of tea and two glasses of water I'd consumed before setting out and I just couldn't wait any longer. Through the "Employees Only" swinging doors I went, past the produce crates, up the stairs, and through the break room to "LAdiES." As it turns out, the self-proclaimed Bathroom Bandit had gotten there first and had left behind her a string of platitudes. And because I'm a modern woman with modern technology in my pocket, I took some pictures of her work. Upon returning to the produce section (thoughtful and forever changed) I noticed a display of strawberry glaze that just took my breath away in its resemblance to my aforementioned bag of Shiraz, or maybe something poisonous, so I took a picture of that too. Red things in bags are always interesting, don't you think?

1 comment:

Nat said...

I wonder if the Bathroom Bandit has a blog.

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